
Fox 010: Bargain with a Fox

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LadyQuindecim's avatar

Literature Text

[AN: This is the tenth in the Fox Tale series.  Please read them in order, thanks.]
[Creative property of Lady Quindecim]

Part Ten: Bargain with a Fox

     It was pretty simple.  I waited a few more minute until the bell then just went to my locker and dropped off all my books save for mathamatics, and collected History and my music folder, then proceeded to maths as if nothing had happened, forcing my way upstream.  As before, I spotted Fox's red hair, but I found it oddly comforting as she wisped effortlessly through the throng of humanity.
     No one talked to me in maths, not even Mrs. Fibonacci.  At first, it was pleasant but became so pronounced is was obvious, deliberate and was really creepy.  I got through it, of course, and of course, I was happy when the bell rang.  I left the room no better for having attended and if anything, more lost and confused.  But I was hungry and had vague and fuzzy recollections of having lost my breakfast.
     I went straight across the street to the bakery, hoping to get there before Fox, wanting both to avoid and run into her.  I walked in on the leading edge of the rush, so it did not seem as if I was going to have to wait long.  Despite my efforts, however, Fox was already here, behind the counter, putting something in a bag and filling an insulated cup.  She set them on the counter by one of the cash registers and before anyone else could ask me what I wanted, she was standing in front of me.
     She pulled her mouth to the side in this weird sort of thoughtful expression.  "You may have liked the brownie, had you bothered to try it, and the danishes are really good."
     "I saved you a raspberry muffin, though.  And I got your tea."
     "Oh, okay.  Thanks?"  We shuffled to the register while I was digging in my pocket.
     "No, this is my treat."
     "We had a substitute for English.  I want to hear what happened."
     Nervous, I put a five on the counter.  "No, I want to hear what happened."
     "That's not a fair trade.  Everyone know about me."
     "I'm not everyone.  Besides, you can ask Cody if you want to have a laugh at me."
     "Did.  He won't say.  Nor Brad.  And, I wouldn't laugh.  And, no, you are not everyone," kind of mumbling the last part.
     "They wouldn't tell you?"
     "He likes you, Cody does; trusts you.  And that reminds me... Whatever he tells you, you had better not break his trust."
     It was strange, her expression; full of danger, and caution, and hope.  The best I could figure that while threatening me, she wanted to believe that I could be trustworthy.  I took my muffin and tea to the self-service peninsula to add cream and honey.  I looked back her way before leaving and she was busy with other customers.  Unless I was mistaken, however, she spared me one more smirking glance as I turned and departed.

* * * * *

     I crossed the street back to the school, uncertain where I was going to eat when I saw Sam playing chess with Brad.  Everyone else that was there before was there again, except Mags was missing.  Not wanting to disturb them, I made for the stairs, planning on just having a sit long enough to scarf my lunch.  I guess  James just then spotted me and got up.
     "Hh-ay, C-c-c... Chole."
     I angled my way over to where he was coming.  "Hey, James."
     "Mm-m-mags s-said t-t-t-t..." he maid a face, "t-to meet h-her in th-t-t-... In th-th-t..."
     I waited.
     "Quartermmmaster's r-r-r-oom."
     "Thanks, James.  Um, aren't you in choir?"
     He shrugged.
     Brian looked up from watching the chess game, "Yeah, you should hear him sing."
     This place was so, freaking, weird.  "Well, see you," waved to all and headed to find Mags.

* * * * *

     She was waiting for me upstairs in the room.  The door was ajar but I knocked anyway.  "You descent?"
     "Yeah, I... Oh, ha-ha.  Very funny."
     "Mind if I leave this open?"
     "Yeah, sure, if you want.  How's your head?"
     "Stupid," I confessed.  She gave me a crooked glare so I decided to answer her properly.  "Dull ache, but Nurse Kelley gave me pain killers."
     "That's good."
     "This place is weird," I found myself saying.  "Is her first name really 'Nurse?'"
     "Yes, it is."
     "And James has a studder, but is in choir."
     "Well, we don't exactly talk when we are together."
     "Oh-kay, and my chemistry teacher is named English."
     "Oh, she taught English before, but changed last year.  That aside, though, I really want to talk to you about this morning."
     "I thought you got the whole story."
     "You are not claustrophobic, are you?"
     I did not answer, but I did look back at the door.
     "Something happened to you."
     "Been talking to Miss Gradecko?"
     "No, I see the signs myself, but I guess she saw them too."
     "I'm sorry."
     "What are you sorry about?"
     "Sorry I can't talk about it then, okay?"
     "It's okay, Chole."
     "No, it's not okay.  I would like to talk about it.  I would like to get it off my chest; to quit carrying it around like this.  Like, maybe I could sleep better at night and not be so..."
     "What is it with the doors, then."
     "It's... complicated."
     We sat there a minute before Mags spoke up again, "Then, just chat.  Tell me anything, okay?"
     I shook my head.  "I would rather listen."
     "Okay.  Um... Oh! Did you know your mom is going to help out with the band homecoming party?"
     "No, actually, I did not.  What is it about this party, anyway?  About everyone having a date, I mean."
     Mags sat herself up on the table she had been leaning against.  I got the impression she sits on it a lot when she is in here.
     "Well, see, the school's homecoming dance was always lame. No body cared about it.  They all had their dates and wanted to go out and show off their flowers and dresses and things.  Well, that was cool enough, but most of the current band people wanted to visit with the former band people who had come home who also wanted to meet the incoming class.  I mean, we are all like family and everything.  And since the school dance was majorly lame, we started to have our own party.  It was cool and all but the non-band people, mostly the athletes and, um, athletic supporters," we both laughed at the old joke, "Well, they started to say that we just wanted our own party because we were all losers who could not get dates.  And thus was born the tradition that we all have a date and flowers and everything, even though we are all just friends and stuff.  It is a show of solidarity."
     "That's cool.  Makes sense." I was pleased with the explanation.
     "So, is it true that Cody asked you?"
     I nodded.
     "That's surprising," she said, looking thoughtful like there was a puzzle to be solved or some hidden meaning to be understood.
     "No kidding.  I mean, he is really pretty - shouldn't have any trouble finding someone.  Just don't tell him I called him pretty."
     Mags all of a sudden seemed to be taken back to the moment.  "Oh, no, I mean, I figure there will be a line of guys wanting to ask you."
     "Nah.  Besides, shouldn't they already have their dates?"
     "I suppose, but don't sell yourself sort.  If I was a guy, I'd ask you in a heartbeat."
     There must have been something she saw in my eye as I turned away.
     "Oh, I'm sorry."
     "What for?"  I really could not imagine what it was she was sorry about.  I was just thinking that I preferred her as a girl; just friends, but I liked her exactly as she was.
     She shook her head dismissively.  "You're right.  No sorries.  Would you mind if I just read to you?"
     "That'll be fine.  Whatcha got?"  I took my raspberry muffin out of its bag.
     "It's just a trashy romance; word porn."
     I almost choked on muffin.  "Really?"
     "Oh, yeah.  I suppose if I am going to read this out loud, I ought to, um, substitute some words."

[You have been reading the tenth installment of the Fox Tale Series by Lady Quindecim.]
[If you received this text from a source other that DeviantArt, please let the author know via e-mail to]
[I hope you have enjoyed this installment]
Chole tries to recover her day and focus on her curiosity with her enigmatic obsession.

If this is the first one you are reading, by all means please stop and read the first one [link] first, then proceed in order, if you would be so kind.

And if you like it/them, let me know. If you do not, I would still like to know. If you are completely indifferent and do not feel it is worth your time to comment, that's okay, you can let me know that as well.

Part One: Fox at First Sight → [link]
Part Two: Foxy Lady → [link]
Part Three: Still a Fox → [link]
Part Four: Fellowship of the Fox → [link]
Part Five: Fox Free Period → [link]
Part Six: Fox, but not Forgotten → [link]
Part Seven: Fox Report → [link]
Part Eight: Fox in socks → [link]
Part Nine: Lingering Fox → [link]
Part Ten: Bargain with a Fox → You are Here ←
Part Eleven: Speechless Fox → [link]
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Macadamiannutjob's avatar
Mags is really growing on me, I like her more so than fox at the moment, but I suppose that's natural seeing as fox is bits and pieces while Mags seems to be the constant friend in Chole's world at the moment.
I think it's awesome you have a studder (James) in one of my old school stories not posted on here I have a main character with a studder. Gets pretty tiresome to type lol.
The "if I was a guy" line really got to me since it seems to be what people say and I like how you made Chole react. :)